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What is Conversion Rate Optimisation?

On average, only 2.35% of visitors convert into customers which means that 97.65% don’t.

In a nutshell Conversion Rate Optimisation (abbreviated CRO) is about ensuring more visitors within your existing traffic are fulfilling the website’s primary function .

In order to adopt a successful optimisation strategy for your conversions, several rules must be applied.Before launching an A/​B testing program to optimise your conversions, you must first determine what is to be improved.


This analysis is necessary to identify sources of conversion loss and determine the probable causes. You must then take the time to work on your acquisition sources in order to attract traffic that is as qualified as possible and better direct your message to improve your users’ understanding and optimise your conversion rates (CRO=conversion rate optimisation).

The offer must be relevant and coherent with their expectations. A testing approach’s effectiveness is directly linked with the value proposition’s clarity, but also the technical performance of your website. User experience is essential in retaining traffic. Your website must be simple and intuitive; you must minimise the efforts required of your visitors by avoiding over complication. Finally, maximise your conversion rate with a one-​​of-​​a-​​kind dynamic traffic algorithm!

Identify obstacles

You should start with a meticulous evaluation of your website to identify existing obstacles to conversion.
By identifying “leaks” in your conversion tunnel and trying to determine the likely causes through qualitative and quantitative data collected through your web analytics tool, you can find out which web pages are likely to pose a problem and understand your users’ behaviour. This way, you will know where to focus your efforts and get off to a running start on your CRO.

Attract qualified traffic

To optimise your conversions, you need to take the time to work on your acquisition sources in order to attract traffic that is as qualified as possible and truly interested in what you are offering.

The moment a visitor reaches your site, he has already been exposed to your message and is already as informed as possible about your offer, and thus more likely to convert.

How can you go about this? First, you must be as well placed as possible in your sector’s main keywords by targeting words specific to your offer to give you the best chance of optimising your conversion rate. Work on your AdWords advertising by setting up highly targeted adverts specific to each audience segment. Finally, use affiliation by placing advertisements on websites near or in your sector to reach an audience similar to yours who will be more likely to be interested and convert.

Make your message easy to understand

Your site must have a message that is easy to understand if you want it to have a good conversion rate. Identify the message you want to send (your value proposition) and optimise how it’s included on your website.

By identifying your product/offer’s specificities and advantages and testing their success among your audience by offering, for example, faster delivery than your competitors, you can determine what benefits to highlight to strengthen your value proposition and CRO. Once you’ve clearly identified your value proposition, make sure it is clearly presented to your visitors. By testing different ways of presenting data, you’ll find the one that works best among your audience and come to a clear and simple navigation for your website that will speed up your visitors’ conversion.

Meet your visitors’ expectations with a relevant offer

In order to convert, each user that arrives on your website must find an offer that meets his particular needs. To not disappoint the visitors on your website, you must guarantee the greatest coherence possible between the message sent by your acquisition sources and the message on the web page where your visitors arrive; using the same language and terms will help you optimise your conversions. Your offer will be seen as relevant if visitors find what they were expecting and what they were promised on the web page where they arrive.

You can also guarantee your offer’s relevance by segmenting your audience and adapting your message to each segment; your audience isn’t completely homogeneous and each consumer segment has different needs and expectations.

Look after your technical performance

In order for a CRO programme to be complete, it must also include performance. You must reduce the loading time of your website’s various web pages as much as possible. No matter which optimisations you make on your page, they will have no impact on conversions if the web page itself takes too long to load. A loading time that is too long could not only cause your visitors to flee out of boredom, but also damage the trust users have in your website and reduce your website’s conversion rate.

Not only should your buying process be smooth, but your site and product pages should be as well: letting a user wander freely and quickly through your products is important as it’s a form of engagement that has an indirect importance on your conversions.

Minimise efforts required of your users

This step’s aim is to reduce the friction that a user encounters to a minimum and simplify the experience as much as possible to encourage conversions on your website. Your site must offer clear and concise navigation since the user won’t spend much time trying to understand a complex navigation system.
Faceted navigation will let the user go through your catalogue by adapting his search criteria on the fly instead of navigating from section to section. For your forms, only ask for essential information since having too many fields to fill out will cause your visitors to leave.

Boost your conversion rate with a dynamic traffic allocation algorithm

Why present your visitors with less effective variations for the length of a test when other variations have better conversion rates? By using an automatic and “smart” solution that adapts perfectly in cases where decisions are made continuously in a short time span or a rapidly changing environment, you minimise conversion rate losses during tests by sending part of your traffic to a variation that will end up performing better.